TheSilent Hill franchise has been out of the limelight for quite a while, not having a full retail release since 2012's Book of Memorieson the PlayStation Vita. Currently, it lives on in fans' memories as one of the most terrifying video game series of all time.

Until the series comes back in full force, a ravenous fan community is keepingSilent Hill alive on the Internet. As scary as the games are, people still find humor in between the hideous creature designs and psychological torment. The ten memes below remind people how, despite the games' quality, plenty of things about the series do not quite add up.

10 What Other Alternatives Are There?

Jump into creepy hole meme

The protagonists for many survival horror games often act like they are in the most terrifying situation they have ever experienced. It is strange to see how they are usually all too eager to jump down mysterious holes leading to God knows where. At the same time, when all the doors are locked and the windows are barred, what other alternatives exists for the hero?

9 Do You Want To Search For Batteries?

Battery that never runs out meme

Survival horror games are all about resource management. It would not be surprising if the games included a mechanic where the battery of a flashlight only lasted so long before having to change them. However, these games are stressful enough without the added pressure of a finite light source. Imagine taking too long to solve a puzzle and completely exhausting all available batteries in the game's environment; not an ideal situation.

8 P.T. Lives

Silent hills meme

P.T. was a shadow dropped demo which ended up being a surprise teaser for an ultimately doomedSilent Hill project byMetal Gear Solidcreator Hideo Kojima and famed director Guillermo del Toro.

The teaser was a first-person experience, which madeResident Evil 7's change to the same perspective feel like more than a coincidence. It is easy to see the demo having an influence on most other survival horror projects after 2015.

7 Yeah, But It's Still Terrifying

Good graphics silent hills copy

It is easy to look at old horror games and laugh at the primitive graphics. The firstSilent Hill for the PlayStation One had groundbreaking visuals for its time, but it immediately became obsolete once the PlayStation 2 came out. However, the best survival horror games still provide intense frights. Looking at it is one thing; stepping into the protagonist's shoes is a whole different ballgame.

6 People Would Not Steal Silent Hill If Konami Cared About The Series

Silent hill three meme copy

This meme, while appearing not to be related to the series, does connect with the way Konami has treated the series. TheSilent Hill HD Collectionis one of the most notoriously bad remasters on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Because of this, the best way to experienceSilent Hill 2 short of plugging in a PS2 to an old CRT television is by finding mods of a PC version. In this case, people aren't so much stealing art as they are improving it.

5 We Just Hope He Washes His Hands Afterwards

Look in the toilet meme

One part ofSilent Hill 2 involves the protagonist, James Sutherland, sticking his hand in a toilet to find an item. To be fair, everything in Silent Hill looks about as clean as a gas station bathroom, so the toilet could not have many more germs than the walls. Once players find out the game's twist, it makes a little more sense, since James could very well be punishing himself by sticking his hand in the toilet.

4 If It's In A Cutscene, Then They Are Not Okay

Silent hill cynthia meme

The first thing Henry asks Cynthia upon finding her covered in blood is if she is okay. He is no medical professional, but it is generally accepted that anyone covered in blood is not doing okay.

Heck, even if it was not hers, it would still be an uncomfortable and disturbing situation. In 2004 this was fairly common for the standards of video game writing.

3 I Would Do Anything To Escape, But I Won't Do That

Silent hill logic meme

People are capable of extreme feats when faced with death. Stress and adrenaline are magical things. With this in mind, it is curious to see so many simple barriers like railings and chains hinder a Silent Hill protagonist's progress. Given the hellish nightmare they are currently stuck inside, one would expect them to be able to lift cars in order to survive.

2 It's Not Like Anybody Could Forge A Letter, Right?

Silent hill 2 meme

The setup for Silent Hill 2 is a little ridiculous, but it is a easy to suspend disbelief to this extent if it means experiencing one of the greatest video games of all time. Additionally, it makes more sense once the game is beaten. Until then, one cannot be blamed for thinking it is an absurd plot. Video games are not stranger to strange plots, and it also feels more appropriate when one realizes the game is about guilt, grief, and trauma.

1 The Game Makes Its Own Memes

Some memes write themselves

It would be pretty easy to deduce it as a doghouse even if no dogs were around. What else could it be? A cat or raccoon would not be caught dead in such a structure. To be fair, the dog in the photo does not look like it has been sleeping there, since the elements have taken all the skin off its body. Harry Mason should not be looking at this house anyway, since he is busy looking for his daughter.

Next: 10 Most Disturbing Monsters In Silent Hill And What They Represent